Earthworks Inc.

Cortina Update

August 10, 2022

Earthworks Industries Inc. is pleased to provide the following update on the proposed integrated waste management development at the Cortina Rancheria in Colusa County, California (Project) being developed by Earthworks’ wholly owned U.S. subsidiary, Cortina Integrated Waste Management Inc. (CIWMI).

SCS Engineers has provided updated site-specific flexibility requests (SSFRs) and other design documentation to CIWMI for approval by the U.S. EPA and the Kletsel Environmental Regulatory Agency (KERA) for the Project. Updated design alternatives incorporate use of an Evapotranspiration (ET) soils cover, required by KERA, and a double-containment base-liner system for use as the landfill containment system for the Project. The requested updates also include affiliated seismic related deliverables to show that the landfill meets U.S. EPA seismic stability requirements in the project area. The Alternate Boundary/Point of Compliance Demonstration for Groundwater Monitoring contains data for three of the proposed four quarters of water level measurements, and will be updated again after the fourth set of quarterly data is collected in August 2022.

The proposed landfill design includes multiple measures to protect the environment both during and after construction as required by the U.S. EPA and the Kletsel Dehe Tribal Code to ensure that water and air resources are preserved; and, that the Project will not in any way adversely affect the health, economic, aesthetic, or cultural well-being of the Tribe. Information for the landfill development is included in an accompanying Basis of Design (BOD) report that presents the preliminary design, technical specifications, closure and post-closure cost estimates, and other required documentation set forth in an updated Authority to Construct (ATC) Permit provided to CIWMI by KERA in August 2021. The above documents have been completed based on the requirements of all governing regulatory agencies and after final review and comment by CIWMI, have been finalized and submitted for approval.

With these updated documents CIWMI can now assess more detailed timelines for construction, final permitting and operation of the facility.

The Project will not only set precedent for future developments of this nature, but also provide opportunities to bring proven new technologies to the waste and recycling markets. Earthworks looks forward to continuing its collaboration with both the Tribal regulatory agency KERA and U.S. EPA in bringing the Project to fruition.