Earthworks Industries Inc. (“Company”) is pleased to report that pursuant to its latest collaboration with the Kletsel Environmental Regulatory Authority (KERA) it has engaged its consultants, SCS Engineers (SCS) to revise the pending Site Specific Flexibility Requests (SSFRS) for the Company’s proposed Cortina integrated waste handling development, in Colusa County California.
The scope of work will incorporate an Evapo-Transpiration (ET) final cover preferred by the Kletsel Environmental Regulatory Authority (KERA), including a modification of the current landfill design and associated SSFR, and modeling to support use of the ET cover.
SCS will be updating all technical requirements related to the Basis of Design (BOD) and will complete the design as Issued for Construction (IFC).
SCS will also arrange for a land survey company to survey and mark all existing wells and conduct field reconnaissance to measure the depth of each well. SCS has also recommended that water levels be measured quarterly for the next year.
Management was pleased at the thoroughness of the proposal from SCS as well as its expedited timeline of approximately 16 to 20 weeks.
We continue to look forward to working in collaboration with KERA and the U.S. EPA in moving forward with our precedent setting project at Cortina.