Earthworks Inc.

Tribal Agency forwards Cortina SSFR’s to U.S. EPA

March 31, 2020

Earthworks Industries Inc. (“Company”) wishes to report that the Wintun Environmental Protection Agency (WEPA) has forwarded the four outstanding SSFR’s to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The SSFR’s were updated to address all comments received from EPA over the period 2008 to 2017 and from WEPA over the period 2018 to 2019. The Company is confident that the SSFR’s address all federal requirements for landfill siting and design.

In its submission to the EPA, WEPA has approved two SSFR’s and has expressed preferences with respect to the other two. With respect to the two SSFR’s for which WEPA has expressed preferences, we will defer to the EPA for direction notwithstanding that they had already been approved by EPA in their present form as meeting current regulations. The issues WEPA has raised are design and monitoring preferences, enforceable under tribal law during subsequent project stages, and not inadequacies under current federal regulations.

With the SSFR submissions having been made, we will immediately be moving forward on all other fronts while we await formal approval by EPA of the SSFR’s.